{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module FreeMonad.PackagedTheory where

open import Prelude
open import Signatures
open import FreeMonad.Theory
open import FinitenessConditions

record FullTheory  : Typeω where
  constructor full-theory
    𝔽 : Signature
    𝒯 : Theory 𝔽 
    finiteArity :  Oᵢ  SplitQuotientedChoiceω (Signature.Arity 𝔽 Oᵢ)
    finiteVars : FiniteVars 𝒯

open FullTheory
open Signature
open Theory

-- Standard first-order finitary algebraic theories have both finite
-- arities and equation variables.
record FiniteTheory (theory : FullTheory ℓzero) : Type₁  where
    finArities :  o   n × (Fin n  theory .𝔽 .Arity o)
    finVars : (l : theory .𝒯 .Laws)  let law = theory .𝒯 .Eqns l in
              (γ : Γ law)   n × (Fin n  ν law γ)