{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module FinitenessConditions where

open import Prelude
open import Axiom

module _ {A : Type a} {B : Type b} where
  Pointwise : (B  B  Type c)  (A  B)  (A  B)  Type _
  Pointwise R f g =  x  [ f x ]  ([ g x ]  B / R)

private variable _~_ : B  B  Type c
private variable R : B  B  Type c

dist : (A  B) / Pointwise R  (A  B / R)
dist = rec/ (isSetΠ λ _  squash/)  f  [_]  f)  _ _  funExt)

quot-pre : (A : Type a)  Typeω
quot-pre A =  {b c} (B : Type b) (R : B  B  Type c) 
  Σ[  trav  ((A  B / R)  (A  B) / Pointwise R) ] ×
    (trav  dist  id) × (dist  trav  id)

inj-dist : Injective (dist {A = A} {B = B} {R = _~_})
inj-dist {x = x} {y = y} =
    {P = λ x y  dist x  dist y  x  y}
     _ _  isProp→ (squash/ _ _))
     x y p  eq/ x y λ z  cong (_$ z) p)
    x y

record SplitQuotientedChoiceAt (A : Type a) (B : Type b) (_~_ : B  B  Type c) : Type (a ℓ⊔ b ℓ⊔ c) where
  -- In reality, there is no need for this to be split surjective. If it's just
  -- surjective, we can derive split (as is proven in quotientedChoiceSplit
  -- below). However, that definition slows down Agda so much it's unusable, so
  -- we go with this one instead.
    undistrib : SplitSurjective (dist {A = A} {B = B} {R = _~_})

  trav : (A  B / _~_)  (A  B) / Pointwise _~_
  trav f = undistrib f .fst

  dist∘trav : (f : A  B / _~_) (x : A)  dist (trav f) x  f x
  dist∘trav f x = cong (_$ x) (undistrib f .snd)

  un-trav : (f : A  B)  trav ([_]  f)  [ f ]
  un-trav f =
      {B = λ xs  xs  trav ([_]  f)  xs  [ f ]}
       _  isProp→ (squash/ _ _))
       g p  eq/ _ _ λ x  cong  h  dist h x) p ; dist∘trav ([_]  f) x)
      (trav ([_]  f)) refl

  trav∘dist : (x : (A  B) / Pointwise _~_)
             trav (dist x)  x
  trav∘dist = elimProp/  _  squash/ _ _) un-trav

  comm-quot : (A  B / _~_)  (A  B) / Pointwise _~_
  comm-quot .fun = trav
  comm-quot .inv = dist
  comm-quot .rightInv = trav∘dist
  comm-quot .leftInv x = funExt (dist∘trav x)

  choose~canonical : (k : A  B / _~_)    k′ × [_]  k′  k 
  choose~canonical k =
    elimProp/ {B = λ k′  dist k′  k    k′ × [_]  k′  k }
       _  isProp→ squash)
       k′ r   k′ , r )
      (trav k)
      (undistrib k .snd)

  elim~canonical : (P : (A  B / _~_)  Type c)
                  (∀ k  isProp (P k))
                  (∀ k′  P ([_]  k′))
                   k  P k
  elim~canonical P prop r k = ∥rec∥ (prop _)  { (k′ , p)  subst P p (r k′)  }) (choose~canonical k)

SplitQuotientedChoice : Type a   b c  Type _
SplitQuotientedChoice A b c =
   {B : Type b} {_~_ : B  B  Type c}  SplitQuotientedChoiceAt A B _~_

SplitQuotientedChoiceω : Type a  Typeω
SplitQuotientedChoiceω A =  {b c}  SplitQuotientedChoice A b c

open SplitQuotientedChoiceAt

-- This property actually implies the property above. However, as mentioned
-- above, using it directly slows down Agda too much so we don't bother.

record QuotientedChoiceAt (A : Type a) (B : Type b) (_~_ : B  B  Type c) : Type (a ℓ⊔ b ℓ⊔ c) where
--  no-eta-equality
  field ∥undistrib∥ : Surjective (dist {A = A} {B = B} {R = _~_})

  splitQuotientedChoiceAt : SplitQuotientedChoiceAt A B _~_
  splitQuotientedChoiceAt .undistrib f = 
        x y  Σ≡Prop  _  isSet→ squash/ _ _) (inj-dist (x .snd ; sym (y .snd))))
      (∥undistrib∥ f)

open QuotientedChoiceAt public

[_]-pw : (A  B)  (A  B / R)
[ f ]-pw x = [ f x ]

-- The following is an equivalent formulation of QuotientedChoiceAt, and it is
-- very close to "projective objects" in category theory, thus "quotiented projective".
QProjectiveAt : (A : Type a)  (B : Type b)  (R : B  B  Type c)  Type _
QProjectiveAt A B _~_ = Surjective (([_] ∘_)  ((A  B)  (A  B / _~_)))

open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence using (hPropExt)

QProjective-QComm-equiv : QuotientedChoiceAt A B _~_  QProjectiveAt A B _~_
QProjective-QComm-equiv = hPropExt qc-prop (isPropΠ  _  squash)) projective-fwd projective-bwd where
  qc-prop : isProp (QuotientedChoiceAt A B _~_)
  qc-prop x y i =  record { ∥undistrib∥ = isPropΠ  _  squash) (∥undistrib∥ x) (∥undistrib∥ y) i}

  projective-fwd :  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {_~_ : B  B  Type c}
                   QuotientedChoiceAt A B _~_  QProjectiveAt A B _~_
  projective-fwd {A = A} {B = B} {_~_ = _~_} q f =  ∥bind∥ fwd (∥undistrib∥ q f) where
    fwd : Fibre dist f   Fibre (([_] ∘_)  ((A  B)  (A  B / _~_))) f 
    fwd (g , e) = elimProp/-with {D = λ g  dist g  f}  _ _  squash)
                             h e'   h , e' )

  projective-bwd :  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {_~_ : B  B  Type c}
                 QProjectiveAt A B _~_  QuotientedChoiceAt A B _~_
  projective-bwd {A = A} {B = B} {_~_ = _~_} q = record { ∥undistrib∥ = λ f   ∥bind∥ (bwd f) (q f) } where
    bwd :  f  Fibre (([_] ∘_)  ((A  B)  (A  B / _~_))) f   Fibre dist f 
    bwd f (g , e) =  [ g ] , e 

QuotientedChoice : Type a   b c  Type _
QuotientedChoice A b c =  {B : Type b} {_~_ : B  B  Type c}  QuotientedChoiceAt A B _~_

isPropQuotientedChoice : isProp (QuotientedChoice A b c)
isPropQuotientedChoice x y i .∥undistrib∥ z = squash (x .∥undistrib∥ z) (y .∥undistrib∥ z) i

QuotientedChoiceω : Type a  Typeω
QuotientedChoiceω A =  {b c}  QuotientedChoice A b c

quotientedChoiceSplit : QuotientedChoice A b c  SplitQuotientedChoice A b c
quotientedChoiceSplit fp = splitQuotientedChoiceAt fp

Choice⇒QuotientedChoice : Choice A (b ℓ⊔ c)  QuotientedChoice A b c
Choice⇒QuotientedChoice aoc .∥undistrib∥ f =
  ∥rec∥ squash  h   [  x  h x .fst) ] , (funExt λ x  snd (h x)) ) (aoc  x′  []-surj (f x′)))

module _ where
  open import HITs.SetTruncation

  AOC⇒QuotientedChoice : AOC a a  ({A : Type a}  QuotientedChoice A a a)
  AOC⇒QuotientedChoice aoc .∥undistrib∥ f =
    let ac = aoc squash₂ λ x′   []-surj (∥rec∥₂ squash/ f x′) 
    in ∥rec∥ squash  h   [  x  h  x ∣₂ .fst) ] , (funExt λ x  h  x ∣₂ .snd ) ) ac

open import Data.Sigma.Subset
open import Data.Sigma.Properties

module _ {A : Type a} (set : isSet A) (qc : SplitQuotientedChoice A (a ℓ⊔ b) a) where

  SplitQuotientedChoice⇒Choice : Choice A b
  SplitQuotientedChoice⇒Choice {B = 𝒰} f = ∥map∥ (Π⇔Σ set .inv) combined-sigma-trunc
    f/ : A  Subset/ A 𝒰 
    f/ x = subset-quot (x , f x)

    fst/ : Subset/ A 𝒰  A
    fst/ = rec/ set fst λ _ _  id

    f⁻ : Fibre dist f/
    f⁻ = qc .undistrib f/

    fst∘f :  x  fst/ (f/ x)  x
    fst∘f x = 
        { P = λ f·x  fst/ (subset-quot (x , f·x))  x }
         _  set _ _)
         _  refl)
        (f x)

    combined-sigma-trunc :  Π⟨Σ⟩ A 𝒰 
    combined-sigma-trunc =
        { B = λ f⁻  dist f⁻  f/   Π⟨Σ⟩ A 𝒰  }
         _  isProp→ squash)
         f⁻ f⁻Π   f⁻ ,  x  cong (fst/  (_$ x)) f⁻Π ; fst∘f x) )
        (f⁻ .fst) (f⁻ .snd)

QuotientedChoice⇔SplitQuotientedChoice : QuotientedChoice A b c  SplitQuotientedChoice A b c
QuotientedChoice⇔SplitQuotientedChoice .fun = quotientedChoiceSplit
QuotientedChoice⇔SplitQuotientedChoice .inv qc .∥undistrib∥ y =  qc .undistrib y 
QuotientedChoice⇔SplitQuotientedChoice .rightInv qc i .undistrib = qc .undistrib
QuotientedChoice⇔SplitQuotientedChoice .leftInv  _ = isPropQuotientedChoice _ _

QuotientedChoice⇔Choice : AOC a a  ({A : Type a}  QuotientedChoice A a a)
QuotientedChoice⇔Choice .fst = AOC⇒QuotientedChoice
QuotientedChoice⇔Choice .snd qc set = SplitQuotientedChoice⇒Choice set (quotientedChoiceSplit qc)
-- QuotientedChoice⇔Choice .rightInv _ = {!!} -- isPropQuotientedChoice _ _
-- QuotientedChoice⇔Choice .leftInv  _ = {!!} -- isProp→ isPropChoice _ _

quotientedChoice⊥ : SplitQuotientedChoice  b c
quotientedChoice⊥ .undistrib y = [ absurd ] , (funExt λ ())

module UnitInst where
  unitTrav : B / _~_  (  B) / Pointwise _~_
  unitTrav = rec/ squash/ ([_]  const)  x y x~y  eq/ _ _ λ i  eq/ x y x~y)

  quotientedChoice⊤ : SplitQuotientedChoice  b c
  quotientedChoice⊤ .undistrib f = unitTrav (f tt) , funExt  x 
      {B = λ ftt  ftt  f tt  dist (unitTrav ftt) tt  f tt }
       _  isProp→ (squash/ _ _))
       ftt p  p)
      (f tt)

open UnitInst using (quotientedChoice⊤) public

module BoolInst where
  boolTrav : B / _~_  B / _~_  (Bool  B) / Pointwise _~_
  boolTrav =
       f t  [ bool f t ])
       x y z p  eq/ _ _ λ { false  eq/ _ _ p ; true  refl })
       x y z p  eq/ _ _ λ { false  refl ; true  eq/ _ _ p })

  quotientedChoiceBool : SplitQuotientedChoice Bool b c
  quotientedChoiceBool .undistrib f = boolTrav (f false) (f true) , funExt  x 
      {P = λ l r  l  f false  r  f true  dist (boolTrav l r) x  f x}
       _ _  isProp→ (isProp→ (squash/ _ _)))
       fl tr fp tp  bool {P = λ x  [ bool′ fl tr x ]  f x } fp tp x)
      (f false)
      (f true)

open BoolInst using (quotientedChoiceBool) public

module ProdInst
  (finLhs : SplitQuotientedChoiceω A)
  (finRhs : SplitQuotientedChoiceω B)

  lemma : (f g : A  B  C)  Pointwise (Pointwise _~_) f g  [ uncurry f ]  [ uncurry g ]
  lemma {C = C} {_~_ = _~_} f g p = eq/ {R = Pointwise _~_} _ _ λ { (x , y)  effective/  x y  isPropΠ λ _  squash/ _ _) er _ _ (p x) y }
    er : isEquivRel  f g   x  [ f x ]  [ g x ])
    er .isEquivRel.reflexive a x = refl
    er .isEquivRel.symmetric a b p x = sym (p x)
    er .isEquivRel.transitive a b c p q x = p x ; q x

  prodTrav : {C : Type c} {_~_ : C  C  Type b}  (A × B  C / _~_)  (A × B  C) / Pointwise _~_
  prodTrav {C = C} {_~_ = _~_} f = rec/ squash/ ([_]  uncurry) lemma (fst (undistrib finLhs  x  fst (undistrib finRhs (curry f x)))))

  quotientedChoiceProd : SplitQuotientedChoiceω (A × B)
  quotientedChoiceProd {B = C} {_~_ = _~_} .undistrib f = prodTrav f ,
         { (x , y) 
               {B = λ r  r  unLhs .fst  dist (rec/ squash/ ([_]  uncurry) lemma r) (x , y)  f (x , y)  }
                _  isProp→ (squash/ _ _))
                h q 
                 dist [ uncurry h ] (x , y) ≡⟨⟩
                 [ h x y ] ≡⟨ cong  e  dist (e x) y) (cong dist q ; unLhs .snd) 
                 dist (unRhs x .fst) y ≡⟨ cong (_$ y) (unRhs x .snd) 
                 f (x , y) 
               _ refl
    unRhs : (x : A)  Fibre dist (curry f x)
    unRhs x = undistrib finRhs (curry f x)

    unLhs : Fibre dist  x  fst (unRhs x))
    unLhs = undistrib finLhs  x  fst (unRhs x))
open ProdInst using (quotientedChoiceProd) public

module SumInst
  (finLhs : SplitQuotientedChoice A b c)
  (finRhs : SplitQuotientedChoice B b c)
  sumTrav : (A  C) / Pointwise _~_  (B  C) / Pointwise _~_  (A  B  C) / Pointwise _~_
  sumTrav =
       f g  [ either f g ])
       f g h p  eq/ _ _ λ { (inl x)  p x ; (inr x)  refl} )
       f g h p  eq/ _ _ λ { (inl x)  refl ; (inr x)  p x })

  quotientedChoiceSum : SplitQuotientedChoice (A  B) b c
  quotientedChoiceSum .undistrib f = sumTrav 
      (fst (undistrib finLhs (f  inl))) (fst (undistrib finRhs (f  inr))) ,
    funExt  t 
          {P = λ x y  x  fst (undistrib finLhs (f  inl))  y  fst (undistrib finRhs (f  inr))   dist (sumTrav x y) t  f t }
           _ _  isProp→ (isProp→ (squash/ _ _)))
           g h p q 
            let lhs = cong dist p ; undistrib finLhs (f  inl) .snd
                rhs = cong dist q ; undistrib finRhs (f  inr) .snd
            in either {C = λ t  dist [ either g h ] t  f t}  x  cong (_$ x) lhs)  x  cong (_$ x) rhs) t )
          _ _ refl refl)
open SumInst using (quotientedChoiceSum) public

module LiftInst
  (finPres : SplitQuotientedChoice A b c)
  { : Level}

  liftTrav : {B : Type b} {_~_ : B  B  Type c}  (Lift {ℓ₂ = } A  B / _~_)  (Lift {ℓ₂ = } A  B) / Pointwise _~_
  liftTrav y = rec/ squash/  f  [ f  lower ])  f g p  eq/ _ _ λ x   p (lower x)  ) (undistrib finPres (y  lift) .fst)

  open import Data.Lift.Properties

  quotientedChoiceLift : SplitQuotientedChoice (Lift {ℓ₂ = } A) b c
  quotientedChoiceLift .undistrib y = liftTrav y ,
      {B = λ y′  y′  (undistrib finPres  x  y (lift x)) .fst)  dist (rec/ squash/  f  [ f  lower ] ) _ y′ )  y}
       _  isProp→ (isSetΠ  _  squash/ ) _ _ ) )
       f p  funExt  { (lift h)  (cong  e  dist e h) p) ; cong (_$ h) (undistrib finPres (y  lift) .snd) } ))

open LiftInst using (quotientedChoiceLift) public

-- Instance for circle, just to show that being SplitQuotientedChoice is not the
-- same as being equivalent to some Fin.
module CircInst where
  open import Cubical.HITs.S1

  circTrav : B / _~_  (  B) / Pointwise _~_
  circTrav = rec/ squash/ ([_]  const)  x y x~y  eq/ _ _ λ i  eq/ x y x~y)

  quotientedChoiceS : SplitQuotientedChoice  b c
  quotientedChoiceS .undistrib f = circTrav (f base) ,
    funExt (toPropElim  _  squash/ _ _)
      {B = λ ftt  ftt  f base  dist (circTrav ftt) base  f base }
       _  isProp→ (squash/ _ _))
       ftt p  p)
      (f base)