{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module HITs.SetQuotients where

open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients
  using (eq/; squash/; [_]; _/_)
  renaming (rec to rec/; elimProp to elimProp/; elim to elim/; effective to effective/)

open import Level
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything using (isSet; isSetΠ; isProp; isPropΠ; isPropΠ2; Lift; lower; lift; isOfHLevelLift)
open import Path
open import Data.Sigma

import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Base
open Cubical.Relation.Binary.Base.BinaryRelation using (isPropValued; isEquivRel) public

private variable R S T : A  A  Type b

rec2/ : isSet C
   (f : A  B  C)
   (∀ a b c  R a b  f a c  f b c)
   (∀ a b c  S b c  f a b  f a c)
   A / R  B / S  C
rec2/ set f feql feqr =
  rec/ (isSetΠ  _  set))
     a  rec/ set (f a) (feqr a))
     a b r  funExt (elimProp/  _  set _ _)  c  feql a b c r)))

elimProp2/ : {P : A / R  B / S  Type c}
   (∀ x y  isProp (P x y))
   (∀ a b  P [ a ] [ b ])
    x y  P x y
elimProp2/ prop f =
  elimProp/  x  isPropΠ (prop x)) λ a 
  elimProp/ (prop [ a ]) (f a)

elimProp3/ :  {} {P : A / R  B / S  C / T  Type }
   (∀ x y z  isProp (P x y z))
   (∀ a b c  P [ a ] [ b ] [ c ])
    x y z  P x y z
elimProp3/ prop f =
  elimProp/  x  isPropΠ2 (prop x)) λ a 
  elimProp2/ (prop [ a ]) (f a)

elimProp/-with :  {a b  ℓ'} {A : Type a} {R : A  A  Type b} {D : A / R  Type }
   {P : (q : A / R)  D q  Type ℓ'}
   (∀ (q : A / R)  (d : D q)  isProp (P q d))
   (∀ (x : A)  (d : D [ x ])  P [ x ] d)
    (q : A / R)  (d : D q)  P q d
elimProp/-with {a = a} {b = b} {D = D} {P = P} prop f q d =
  lower (elimProp/ {B = λ q  Lift {j = a ℓ⊔ b} ((d : D q)  P q d)}
                    x  isOfHLevelLift 1 (isPropΠ (prop x)))
                    a  lift (f a)) q) d

open import Function
open import HITs.PropositionalTruncation
open import HLevels

module _ {A : Type a} {_~_ : A  A  Type b} where
  []-surj : Surjective ([_] {A = A} {R = _~_})
  []-surj =
         _  isProp→isSet squash)
         x   x , refl  )
        λ x y r 
          J  z p   pr  PathP  i   Fibre [_] (p i) )  x , refl   y , pr )
             _  squash _ _)
            (eq/ _ _ r)

open import Data.Unit
open import Isomorphism

Canon : (A : Type a) {B : Type b}  (A  B)  Type _
Canon A f = A / λ x y  f x  f y

canon : isSet B  (f : A  B)  Canon A f  B
canon set f = rec/ set f λ _ _  id

/⊤⇔∥∥ : A /  _ _  )   A 
/⊤⇔∥∥ .fun = rec/ (isProp→isSet squash) ∣_∣ λ _ _ _  squash _ _
/⊤⇔∥∥ .inv = ∥rec∥ (elimProp2/ squash/ λ x y  eq/ x y tt) [_]
/⊤⇔∥∥ .rightInv x = squash _ _
/⊤⇔∥∥ .leftInv  = elimProp/  _  squash/ _ _) λ _  refl