{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

open import Prelude

module HITs.Pushout.Properties
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {C : Type c}
  {f : A  B} {g : A  C}

open import HITs.Pushout.Base f g
open import HITs.Pushout.Eliminators {f = f} {g = g}

open import Finite
open import Data.List
open import Data.List.Membership

Push : List A  B  C  B  C  Type-
Push []        x        y = x  y
Push (i  is)  (inl x)  y = x  f i × Push is (inr (g i)) y
Push (i  is)  (inr x)  y = x  g i × Push is (inl (f i)) y

private module BackToExample (i j : A) (x x′ : B) where
  _ :
    Push (i  j  []) (inl x) (inl x′) 
    (x  f i × g i  g j × inl (f j)  inl x′)
  _ = refl

_≈*_ : B  C  B  C  Type _ 
x ≈* y =  p × Push p x y

refl-≈* :  {x}  x ≈* x
refl-≈* = [] , refl

trans-≈* :  {x y z}  x ≈* y  y ≈* z  x ≈* z
trans-≈* ([] , p) rs = subst (_≈* _) (sym p) rs
trans-≈* {x = inl x} (l  ls , p , ps) rs = map-Σ (l ∷_) (p ,_) (trans-≈* (ls , ps) rs)
trans-≈* {x = inr x} (l  ls , p , ps) rs = map-Σ (l ∷_) (p ,_) (trans-≈* (ls , ps) rs)

sym-≈* :  {x y}  x ≈* y  y ≈* x
sym-≈* p = go p refl-≈*
  go :  {x y z}  x ≈* y  x ≈* z  y ≈* z
  go ([] , p) rs = subst (_≈* _) p rs
  go {x = inl x} (i  is , p , ps) (js , rs) = go (is , ps) (i  js , refl , subst (flip (Push js) _) (cong inl p) rs)
  go {x = inr x} (i  is , p , ps) (js , rs) = go (is , ps) (i  js , refl , subst (flip (Push js) _) (cong inr p) rs)

module PushoutQuot where
  Pushout′ : Type _
  Pushout′ = (B  C) / λ x y   x ≈* y 

  pull-struct : (x y : B  C)  x ≈* y  pull x  pull y
  pull-struct x       y ([] , ps) = cong pull ps
  pull-struct (inl x) y (i  is , p , ps) = cong inl p ; push i ; pull-struct _ y (is , ps)
  pull-struct (inr x) y (i  is , p , ps) = cong inr p ; sym (push i) ; pull-struct _ y (is , ps)

  Pushout⇔quot : Pushout  Pushout′
  Pushout⇔quot .fun = rec squash/ ([_]  inl) ([_]  inr) λ i  eq/ _ _  (i  []) , refl , refl 
  Pushout⇔quot .inv = rec/ trunc (inl  inr) λ x y  ∥rec∥ (trunc _ _) (pull-struct x y)
  Pushout⇔quot .rightInv = elimProp/  _  squash/ _ _) (either  _  refl)  _  refl))
  Pushout⇔quot .leftInv  = elimProp _  _  trunc _ _)  _  refl) λ _  refl

  push-struct : (x y : B  C)  pull x  pull y   x ≈* y 
  push-struct x y p =
       _ _  squash)
      (record { reflexive = λ _   refl-≈* 
              ; symmetric = λ _ _  ∥map∥ sym-≈*
              ; transitive = λ _ _ _  ∥liftA2∥ trans-≈* })
      x y
      (un-pull x y (cong (Pushout⇔quot .fun) p))
    un-pull : (x y : B  C)  Pushout⇔quot .fun (pull x)  Pushout⇔quot .fun (pull y)  [ x ]  ([ y ]  Pushout′)
    un-pull (inl _) (inl _) p = p
    un-pull (inl _) (inr _) p = p
    un-pull (inr _) (inl _) p = p
    un-pull (inr _) (inr _) p = p

open PushoutQuot using (push-struct; pull-struct) public

module _
  (o :  A)
  (l : Discrete B)
  (r : Discrete C) where

  discA : Discrete A
  discA = ℰ⇒Discrete o

  trunc-loopₗ :  {x y} i is  i  is  Push is x y  inl (f i) ≈* y
  trunc-loopₗ {x = inl x} i (j  is) (zero  , i∈is) (p , ps) = j  is , cong f (sym i∈is) , ps
  trunc-loopₗ {x = inr x} i (j  is) (zero  , i∈is) (p , ps) = (is , subst (flip (Push is) _  inl  f) i∈is ps)
  trunc-loopₗ {x = inl x} i (j  is) (suc k , i∈is) (p , ps) = trunc-loopₗ i is (k , i∈is) ps
  trunc-loopₗ {x = inr x} i (j  is) (suc k , i∈is) (p , ps) = trunc-loopₗ i is (k , i∈is) ps

  trunc-loopₗ-loopless :  {x y} i is  (i∈is : i  is)  (x~y : Push is x y)  NoDup is  NoDup (trunc-loopₗ i is i∈is x~y .fst)
  trunc-loopₗ-loopless {x = inl x} i (j  is) (zero  , i∈is) x~y nd = nd
  trunc-loopₗ-loopless {x = inr x} i (j  is) (zero  , i∈is) x~y nd = snd nd
  trunc-loopₗ-loopless {x = inl x} i (j  is) (suc k , i∈is) (_ , x~y) (_ , nd) = trunc-loopₗ-loopless i is (k , i∈is) x~y nd
  trunc-loopₗ-loopless {x = inr x} i (j  is) (suc k , i∈is) (_ , x~y) (_ , nd) = trunc-loopₗ-loopless i is (k , i∈is) x~y nd

  trunc-loopᵣ :  {x y} i is  i  is  Push is x y  inr (g i) ≈* y
  trunc-loopᵣ {x = inr x} i (j  is) (zero  , i∈is) (p , ps) = j  is , cong g (sym i∈is) , ps
  trunc-loopᵣ {x = inr x} i (j  is) (suc k , i∈is) (p , ps) = trunc-loopᵣ i is (k , i∈is) ps
  trunc-loopᵣ {x = inl x} i (j  is) (zero  , i∈is) (p , ps) = (is , subst (flip (Push is) _  inr  g) i∈is ps)
  trunc-loopᵣ {x = inl x} i (j  is) (suc k , i∈is) (p , ps) = trunc-loopᵣ i is (k , i∈is) ps

  trunc-loopᵣ-loopless :  {x y} i is  (i∈is : i  is)  (x~y : Push is x y)  NoDup is  NoDup (trunc-loopᵣ i is i∈is x~y .fst)
  trunc-loopᵣ-loopless {x = inr x} i (j  is) (zero  , i∈is) x~y nd = nd
  trunc-loopᵣ-loopless {x = inl x} i (j  is) (zero  , i∈is) x~y nd = snd nd
  trunc-loopᵣ-loopless {x = inr x} i (j  is) (suc k , i∈is) (_ , x~y) (_ , nd) = trunc-loopᵣ-loopless i is (k , i∈is) x~y nd
  trunc-loopᵣ-loopless {x = inl x} i (j  is) (suc k , i∈is) (_ , x~y) (_ , nd) = trunc-loopᵣ-loopless i is (k , i∈is) x~y nd

  Loopless :  {x y}  x ≈* y  Type a
  Loopless = NoDup  fst

  cons-l :  i {x}  (p : inr (g i) ≈* x)  Loopless p  Σ (inl (f i) ≈* x) Loopless 
  cons-l i (is , pt) ls with find discA i is
  ... | no  i∉is = (i  is , refl , pt) , i∉is , ls
  ... | yes i∈is = trunc-loopₗ i is i∈is pt , trunc-loopₗ-loopless i is i∈is pt ls

  cons-r :  i {x}  (p : inl (f i) ≈* x)  Loopless p  Σ (inr (g i) ≈* x) Loopless
  cons-r i ([] , pt) ls = (i  [] , refl , pt) ,  ()) , Poly-tt
  cons-r i (is , pt) ls with find discA i is
  ... | no  i∉is = (i  is , refl , pt) , i∉is , ls
  ... | yes i∈is = trunc-loopᵣ i is i∈is pt , trunc-loopᵣ-loopless i is i∈is pt ls

  deloop  :  {x y}  x ≈* y  Σ[ p  x ≈* y ] × Loopless p
  deloop ([] , pt) = ([] , pt) , Poly-tt
  deloop {x = inl x} (i  is , p , pt) = subst  e  Σ (inl e ≈* _) Loopless) (sym p) (uncurry (cons-l i) (deloop (is , pt)))
  deloop {x = inr x} (i  is , p , pt) = subst  e  Σ (inr e ≈* _) Loopless) (sym p) (uncurry (cons-r i) (deloop (is , pt)))

  ℰPush :  {x y}  (is : List A)   (Push is x y)
  ℰPush [] = Discrete⇒ℰ (Discrete-⊎ l r)
  ℰPush {x = inl x} (i  is) = ℰ× (Discrete⇒ℰ l) (ℰPush is)
  ℰPush {x = inr x} (i  is) = ℰ× (Discrete⇒ℰ r) (ℰPush is)

  module _ {x y : B  C} where
    ℰLoopless′ :  (Σ[ p  List A ] × NoDup p × Push p x y)
    ℰLoopless′ =  subst  (isoToPath ⇔-Σ-assoc) (ℰΣ (ℰ⟨List⟩ o) (ℰPush ∘′ fst))

    ℰLoopless :  (Σ[ p  x ≈* y ] × Loopless p)
    ℰLoopless = subst  (cong (Σ (List A)) (funExt λ is  isoToPath ⇔-Σ-swap) ; sym (isoToPath ⇔-Σ-assoc)) ℰLoopless′

  fin-disc-pushout : Discrete Pushout
  fin-disc-pushout = elimProp2 _  _ _  isPropDec (trunc _ _)) go
    go : (x y : B  C)  Dec (pull x  pull y)
    go x y = iff-dec (∥rec∥ (trunc _ _) (pull-struct _ _  fst) , ∥map∥ deloop  push-struct _ _) (ℰ⇒Dec (ℰLoopless {x = x} {y = y}))