{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

open import Prelude as P hiding ([_])
open import Data.Vec
open import Signatures
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary
open import FinitenessConditions
open import FreeMonad.PackagedTheory

-- A Free monad, which is the syntax type quotiented by a theory

module FreeMonad.Quotiented {} (theory : FullTheory ) where

open FullTheory theory
open Signature 𝔽

private module Op-Display where
  open import FreeMonad.Syntax 𝔽 renaming (op to op′)

  op :  o × (Arity o  Syntax A)  Syntax A
  op = op′

  open import FreeMonad.Relation 𝔽 𝒯

  [_] : Syntax A  Syntax A / _~ₜ_
  [_] = P.[_]

open P using ([_])

open import FreeMonad.Syntax 𝔽
open import FreeMonad.Theory
open import FreeMonad.Relation 𝔽 𝒯 public

private variable xs ys zs : Syntax A
-- The free monad is constructed by taking the quotient of the syntax over the
-- equivalence relation above.
-- Notice that the level is one higher than ℓ: this is the level of the context
-- variable. Because it's existentially quantified we need to go one level up.
-- However, we don't have any of the normal level issues that you might expect,
-- because we *don't* need to incrememnt the level of the paramater of the
-- computation. In other words, if ℓ = 0, then Term could have kind
-- Type₁ → Type₁. i.e. it is still an endofunctor, it can have values like
-- (Term (Term A)).
-- In fact, we could just have the context type be Fins or something.
-- Technically that wouldn't lose any expressive power (I think), but it would
-- be really annoying to work with.

-- A pointwise relation on a vector can be extended to the ~ₜ relation

module _ {o : Op} {B : Type b} where
  open SplitQuotientedChoiceAt {A = Arity o} {B = Syntax B} {_~_ = _~ₜ_} (finiteArity o) public

private variable o : Op

pointwiseₜ : {xs ys : Arity o  Syntax A}
            xs  Pointwise _~ₜ_  ys
            op (o , xs) ~ₜ op (o , ys)
pointwiseₜ p = congₜ _ _ _ λ i  ~ₜ-effective _ _ (p i)

pointwise≡ : (xs ys : Arity o  Syntax A)
            Pointwise _~ₜ_ xs ys 
           [ op (o , xs) ]ₜ  [ op (o , ys) ]ₜ
pointwise≡ xs ys p = eq/ _ _ (pointwiseₜ p)

Opₜ⟦_⟧ :  o  Term (Arity o)
Opₜ⟦ o  = [ Op⟦ o  ]

-- We can implement the op operator on the quotiented free type

private module Opₜ-Display {A : Type a} where

  module _ {o : Op} where
    cong-point :  (kₗ kᵣ : Arity o  Syntax A) 
                  (l~r : Pointwise _~ₜ_ kₗ kᵣ) 
                  [ op (o , kₗ) ]ₜ  [ op (o , kᵣ) ]ₜ
    cong-point kₗ kᵣ l~r =
      eq/ (op (o , kₗ)) (op (o , kᵣ)) (congₜ o kₗ kᵣ λ i  ~ₜ-effective (kₗ i) (kᵣ i) (l~r i))
  opₜ : 𝔽 -Alg[ Term A ]
  opₜ (o , k~) = rec/ squash/  k  [ op (o , k) ]) cong-point (trav k~)
  _ =
    opₜ  ( o × (Arity o  Syntax A / _~ₜ_)  Syntax A / _~ₜ_)
opₜ′ : (Arity o  Syntax A)  Term A
opₜ′ = [_]  op  _,_ _

opₜ : 𝔽 -Alg[ Term A ]
opₜ (Op , p) = rec/ squash/ opₜ′ pointwise≡ (trav p)

-- Properties of opₜ

opₜ-com-[] : (xs : Arity o  Syntax A)  opₜ (o , [_]  xs)  [ op (o , xs) ]
opₜ-com-[] xs = cong (rec/ squash/ opₜ′ pointwise≡) (un-trav xs)

interp-opₜ-com-[]  :  (k : A  Syntax B) (xs : Syntax A)
                     [ interp op k xs ]  interp opₜ ([_]  k) xs
interp-opₜ-com-[] k = interp-fusion [_]ₜ k  { (o , xs)  sym (opₜ-com-[] xs) })

-- opₜ respects the theory: this means it can be used in interp, to implement
-- bind.

opₜ-resp : (opₜ  𝔽 -Alg[ Term A ]) Models 𝒯
opₜ-resp i t =
  let lhs  rhs = 𝒯 .Theory.Eqns i .eqn t in 
  SplitQuotientedChoiceAt.elim~canonical (finiteVars _ _) _  _  squash/ _ _)
    λ k 
        interp opₜ ([_]  k) lhs  ≡˘⟨ interp-opₜ-com-[] k lhs 
        [ interp op k lhs ]       ≡⟨ eq/ _ _ (eqₜ i t k) 
        [ interp op k rhs ]       ≡⟨ interp-opₜ-com-[] k rhs 
        interp opₜ ([_]  k) rhs 

infixl 4.5 _=<<_
infixr 4.5 _>>=_ _>>_

-- Bind

Op[_] :  o  Term (Arity o)
Op[ o ] = [ op (o , var) ]

return : A  Term A
return x = [ var x ]

_=<<_ : (A  Term B)  Term A  Term B
_=<<_ k = interpₜ opₜ k opₜ-resp squash/

_>>=_ : Term A  (A  Term B)  Term B
xs >>= k = interpₜ opₜ k opₜ-resp squash/ xs

_>>_ : Term A  Term B  Term B
xs >> ys = xs >>= const ys

infixr 9 _<=<_
_<=<_ : (B  Term C)  (A  Term B)  A  Term C
(f <=< g) x = f =<< g x

infixl 9 _>=>_
_>=>_ :  (A  Term B)  (B  Term C)  A  Term C
_>=>_ = flip _<=<_

infixl 4.5 _<$>_
_<$>_ : (A  B)  Term A  Term B
f <$> xs = xs >>= return  f

-- Properties of bind

module S = SyntaxBind

[⟪_⟫] : 𝔖𝔶𝔫𝔱𝔞𝔵 A (Term A) P  Term A
[⟪ 𝔖𝔶𝔫𝔱𝔞𝔵.var x ⟫] = return x
[⟪ 𝔖𝔶𝔫𝔱𝔞𝔵.op xs  _ ⟫] = opₜ xs

elimₜ-prop :  (P : Term A  Type p)  
              (∀ x  isProp (P x)) 
              (ϕ : (xs : 𝔖𝔶𝔫𝔱𝔞𝔵 A (Term A) P)  P [⟪ xs ⟫]) 
              (xs : Term A)  P xs
elimₜ-prop {A = A} P prop ϕ = elimProp/ prop (elim-s  x  P [ x ]) Ψ)
  Ψ : DepAlg A  x  P [ x ])
  Ψ (𝔖𝔶𝔫𝔱𝔞𝔵.var x) = ϕ (𝔖𝔶𝔫𝔱𝔞𝔵.var x)
  Ψ (𝔖𝔶𝔫𝔱𝔞𝔵.op (o , xs) P⟨xs⟩) = subst P (opₜ-com-[] xs) (ϕ (𝔖𝔶𝔫𝔱𝔞𝔵.op (o , λ i  [ xs i ]) P⟨xs⟩))

interpₜ-opₜ : {A B : Type }
  (ϕ : 𝔽 -Alg[ A ])
  (k : B  A)
  (resp : ϕ Models 𝒯)
  (set : isSet A)
  (o : Op)
  (xs : Arity o  Term B) 
  interpₜ ϕ k resp set (opₜ (o , xs))  ϕ (o , interpₜ ϕ k resp set  xs)
interpₜ-opₜ ϕ k resp set o = elim~canonical _  _  set _ _) λ k′  cong (interpₜ ϕ k resp set) (opₜ-com-[] k′)

syntactic-bind : (k : A  Syntax B) (xs : Syntax A)
             [ xs S.>>= k ]  [ xs ] >>= ([_]  k)
syntactic-bind k = elim-s  xs  [ xs S.>>= k ]  [ xs ] >>= [_]  k) (alg k)
  alg : (k : A  Syntax B)  Ψ[ xs  Syntax A ] ([ xs S.>>= k ]  [ xs ] >>= [_]  k)
  alg k (var x)       = refl
  alg k (op (o , xs) r) =
    [ op (o , xs) S.>>= k ]           ≡⟨⟩
    [ op (o , k S.<=< xs) ]           ≡˘⟨ opₜ-com-[] (k S.<=< xs) 
    opₜ (o , [_]  k S.<=< xs)        ≡⟨ cong  e  opₜ (o , e)) (funExt r) 
    opₜ (o , interp opₜ ([_]  k)  xs) ≡⟨⟩
    interp opₜ ([_]  k) (op (o , xs))  ≡⟨⟩
    [ op (o , xs) ] >>= [_]  k 

algebraic :  o (f : A  Term B) (xs : Arity o  Term A) 
               f =<< opₜ (o , xs)  opₜ (o , f <=< xs)
algebraic o f xs =
    {B = λ xs′  xs′  trav xs
                rec/ squash/ opₜ′ pointwise≡ xs′ >>= f  opₜ (o , f <=< xs)}
     _  isProp→ (squash/ _ _)) lemma (trav xs) refl
  lemma :  xs′  [ xs′ ]  trav xs  f =<< opₜ′ xs′  opₜ (o , f <=< xs)
  lemma xs′ xp =
    opₜ′ xs′ >>= f                               ≡⟨⟩
    opₜ (o , f <=< dist [ xs′ ])         ≡⟨ cong  e  opₜ (o , f <=< dist e)) xp 
    opₜ (o , f <=< dist (trav xs))  ≡⟨ cong  e  opₜ (o , f <=< e)) (funExt (dist∘trav xs)) 
    opₜ (o , f <=< xs) 

assoc : (xs : Term C) (f : C  Term B) (g : B  Term A) 
              ((xs >>= f) >>= g)  (xs >>= (f >=> g))
assoc xs f g =
    {B = λ xs  ((xs >>= f) >>= g)  (xs >>= (f >=> g))} 
     _  squash/ _ _)
    (elim-s  xs  interp opₜ f xs >>= g  interp opₜ (f >=> g) xs) (alg f g))
  alg : (f : C  Term B) (g : B  Term A)
       Ψ[ xs  Syntax C ] (interp opₜ f xs >>= g  interp opₜ (f >=> g) xs)
  alg f g (var x) = refl
  alg f g (op (o , xs) r) =
    interp opₜ f (op (o , xs)) >>= g    ≡⟨⟩
    opₜ (o , interp opₜ f  xs) >>= g   ≡⟨ algebraic _ g _ 
    opₜ (o , g <=< interp opₜ f  xs)   ≡⟨⟩
    opₜ (o , g <=< interp opₜ f  xs)   ≡⟨ cong (opₜ  _,_ o) (funExt λ s  r s) 
    opₜ (o , interp opₜ (f >=> g)  xs) ≡⟨⟩
    interp opₜ (f >=> g) (op (o , xs)) 

>>=-idʳ : (xs : Term A)  xs >>= ([_]  var)  xs
>>=-idʳ =
     _  squash/ _ _)
     xs  sym (syntactic-bind var xs) ; cong [_] (interp-id xs))

>>=-idˡ : (x : A) (k : A  Term B)   [ var x ] >>= k  k x
>>=-idˡ _ _ = refl

<$>-id : (xs : Term A)  id <$> xs  xs
<$>-id = >>=-idʳ

<$>-comp : (f : B  C) (g : A  B) (xs : Term A)  f <$> (g <$> xs)  (f  g) <$> xs
<$>-comp f g xs = assoc xs _ _

infixr 2 following
following : (v : Term A) {k₁ k₂ : A  Term B} (pr : (x : A)  k₁ x  k₂ x)  v >>= k₁  v >>= k₂
following v pr = cong (v >>=_) (funExt pr)

syntax following v  x  e) = x  v ;/ e

join : Term (Term A)  Term A
join t = t >>=  x  x)

-- Somehow the following function is very slow to type check, so we make it abstract.
  >>=-join-eq : (s : Term A) (f : A  Term B)  (s >>= f)  join (f <$> s)
  >>=-join-eq s f
    = (s >>= f)                           ≡⟨⟩
      (s >>= ((return  f) >=>  x  x)))   ≡˘⟨ assoc s _ _ 
      (s >>= (return  f)) >>=  x  x)     ≡⟨⟩
      (f <$> s) >>=  x  x)             ≡⟨⟩
      join (f <$> s)                      

<$>-comm : (s : Syntax A) (f : A  B)  f <$> [ s ]  [ f S.<$> s ]
<$>-comm s f = sym (syntactic-bind (var  f) s)

>>=-join-comm : (s : Syntax A) (f : A  Term B)  [ s ] >>= f  join [ f S.<$> s ]
>>=-join-comm s f = >>=-join-eq [ s ] f ;  i  join (<$>-comm s f i))